The pre-Geneva teasers are coming thick and fast now – but none are more intriguing than this! Ultra-exotic Swis supercar maker Koenigsegg has released this mean and moody shot of a brand new concept called the Quant.There’s no information to go by other than one line, which describes the car as a “new creation for the future.” Rumours have been circulating about a this new model for some time, and suggest that it will sit on an all-new platform for the firm and seat up to four passengers – possibly in a 2+2 configuration. Mix in an 800bhp+ engine based on the unit used in its CCX supercar range, and it’s clear that this will be one concept that’s not easily forgotten.Another image released by the firm shows a new infotainment system for the CCX and now the Quant, which controls all the entertainment functions as well as the car’s mechanical settings from one centralised touch-screen. Watch this space for more Koenigsegg details closer to the Geneva show. For more details click here.
Thanks to: Auto Express