Modern Car Ford Synus Pain with graycle Color Style

Modern Car Ford Synus Pain with graycle Color StyleImage Beside Ford Synus Pain Design

Modern Car Ford Synus Pain with graycle Color StyleModern Car Ford Synus Pain on Back Body

Man, Rob sucks. Rob sucks because he's satiated my desire for an odd car after the death of my beloved Aztek - but he satiated it with a car that won't likely ever see the light of day. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the... FORD SYNUS. "... features a vault-style spinner handle in back with deadbolt door latching." "When parked and placed in secure mode, SYNUS deploys protective shutters over the windshield and side glass. Small windows on the flanks and roof are non-opening and bullet-resistant." More information on this glorious piece of machinery here. I can't believe I've finally fallen in love with a Ford - me thinks armageddon might be just around the corner.